Friday, March 20, 2009

YAY! I finally finish my math hw+compo+chi ws only art hw+psp math.Actually for psp my mother help me do then later i will copy hehe=%%This morning,i heard my mother talking about changing the piano to the exam kind i went to see the brochure n OMG both the exam n grand piano cost $12000 each.......LOL anyway i just add the freeonline user thingy coz i always wonder how many are on my blog:)Hmmm better go eat my lunch already

Posted by Yeeling,Peggy,Hui Fen,Sri Vidya at 2:39 PM

Thursday, March 19, 2009

HELLO!!!!!:)i so long never blog n bff kept on rushing me.....actually i change my blogskin twice n back to this agin.Lololololololol this week got alot of hw aiyo hvaent do finish mrs gopal gave us 'psp' pg305-(any amount?) 'my pals are here' pg1-38 'psle booklet pg'1-46' argh wan kill me......still got compo+chi ws.Anyway i spent my time playing maple haha leveled up lvl55 lehXD i joined a new guild n it girl-girl one.....-_-always nobody online(btw if u hav a bootes character tell me)
That time i went to sherianne's blog n tried the braille thingy.Argh better go do my chi ws if not she xu lao shi will give me the white card agin B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B

Posted by Yeeling,Peggy,Hui Fen,Sri Vidya at 5:21 PM